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This chapter contains database usage examples.


The database component is a secondary encapsulation of This component only encapsulates the connection processing and log processing of the database, and the rest of the contents are native calls.
Thanks to the features of gorm, database operations support mysql, postresql, sqlserver, sqlite and clickhouse.
When Go-Sail starts, it will automatically initialize the Database component if enabled. After that, developers can call it directly through the sail keyword.

import (

func main() {
dbr, dbw := sail.GetDB()
dbr := sail.GetDBR()
dbw := sail.GetDBW()


In the previous chapter, we learned about the detailed configuration of Database, which is as follows:
type Conf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
DriverName string `yaml:"driver_name" toml:"driver_name" json:"driver_name" default:"mysql"` //数据库类型
AutoMigrate bool `yaml:"auto_migrate" toml:"auto_migrate" json:"auto_migrate" default:"false"` //是否自动同步表结构
LogLevel string `yaml:"log_level" toml:"log_level" json:"log_level" default:"info"` //日志级别
ConnectionPool ConnectionPoolConf `yaml:"connection_pool" toml:"connection_pool" json:"connection_pool"` //连接池配置
Mysql MysqlConf `yaml:"mysql" toml:"mysql" json:"mysql"` //mysql配置
Postgres PostgresConf `yaml:"postgres" toml:"postgres" json:"postgres"` //postgres配置
Sqlserver SqlserverConf `yaml:"sqlserver" toml:"sqlserver" json:"sqlserver"` //sqlserver配置
Sqlite SqliteConf `yaml:"sqlite" toml:"sqlite" json:"sqlite"` //sqlite配置
Clickhouse ClickhouseConf `yaml:"clickhouse" toml:"clickhouse" json:"clickhouse"` //clickhouse配置

// ConnectionPoolConf 连接池配置
type ConnectionPoolConf struct {
MaxOpenConnCount int `yaml:"max_open_conn_count" toml:"max_open_conn_count" json:"max_open_conn_count" default:"100"` //最大开启连接数
MaxIdleConnCount int `yaml:"max_idle_conn_count" toml:"max_idle_conn_count" json:"max_idle_conn_count" default:"10"` //最大闲置数量
ConnMaxLifeTimeMinutes int `yaml:"conn_max_life_time_minutes" toml:"conn_max_life_time_minutes" json:"conn_max_life_time_minutes" default:"30"` //连接最大存活时间(分钟)
ConnMaxIdleTimeMinutes int `yaml:"conn_max_idle_time_minutes" toml:"conn_max_idle_time_minutes" json:"conn_max_idle_time_minutes" default:"10"` //连接最大空闲时间(分钟)

type MysqlConf struct {
Read MysqlConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write MysqlConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// MysqlConfItem mysql配置
type MysqlConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"3306"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名
Charset string `yaml:"charset" toml:"charset" json:"charset"` //字符集
ParseTime bool `yaml:"parseTime" toml:"parseTime" json:"parseTime" default:"true"` //是否解析时间
Loc string `yaml:"loc" toml:"loc" json:"loc" default:"Local"` //位置

type PostgresConf struct {
Read PostgresConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write PostgresConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// PostgresConfItem postgres配置
type PostgresConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"9920"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名
SSLMode string `yaml:"ssl_mode" toml:"ssl_mode" json:"ssl_mode"` //ssl模式 enable|disable
TimeZone string `yaml:"timezone" toml:"timezone" json:"timezone" default:"Asia/Shanghai"` //时区

type SqlserverConf struct {
Read SqlserverConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write SqlserverConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// SqlserverConfItem sqlserver配置
type SqlserverConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"9930"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名

type SqliteConf struct {
Read SqliteConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write SqliteConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// SqliteConfItem sqlite配置
type SqliteConfItem struct {
File string `yaml:"file" toml:"file" json:"file" default:"sqlite.db"` //数据库文件

type ClickhouseConf struct {
Read ClickhouseConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write ClickhouseConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// ClickhouseConfItem clickhouse配置
type ClickhouseConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"9000"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名
ReadTimeout int `yaml:"read_timeout" toml:"read_timeout" json:"read_timeout" default:"20"` //读取超时时间
WriteTimeout int `yaml:"write_timeout" toml:"write_timeout" json:"write_timeout" default:"20"` //写入超时时间

Now let us explain in detail the meaning and function of major field.

  • Enable
    Specify whether to enable the database component.
  • DriverName
    Specify the database driver type. Currently, the following values are accepted:
    • mysql
    • postgres
    • sqlite
    • sqlserver
    • clickhouse
  • AutoMigrate
    Specify whether to automatically synchronize the table structure. This configuration is for developers to use at their own discretion. Of course, developers can also ignore this configuration.
  • LogLevel
    Specify the logging level. This configuration is used for gorm internal log printing and is separate from the Logger component. Go-Sail uses uber-go/zap to rewrite the logging behavior of gorm. This field supports the following values:
    • info
    • warn
    • error
    • silent

The database component divides the connection instance into a read instance and a write instance according to the two scenarios of reading and writing. This solution is very useful in the scenario of separation of reading and writing. If your business does not require separation of reading and writing, you can set the read configuration and write configuration to the same content.


Read instance

import (

func main() {
dbr := sail.GetDBR()

Write instance

import (

func main() {
dbr := sail.GetDBR()


If you are going to use database transactions, then you should ensure that operations within your transaction should be completed on the same connection instance to avoid unexpected situations.


This is a correct example.

import (

func main() {
sail.GetDBW().Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) err error{
err = tx.Model(...).Where(...).First(...).Error
if err != nil {
return err
err = tx.Model(...).Where(...).Updates(...).Error
return err

This is a bad example.

import (

func main() {
tx := sail.GetDBR().Begin()
tx := sail.GetDBR().Commit()