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This chapter contains configuration usage examples.


Configuration is one of the keys to starting the entire Go-Sail service. It determines how Go-Sail works.

Each part
type Config struct {
HttpServer HttpServerConf `yaml:"http_conf" toml:"http_conf" json:"http_conf"` //http服务配置
LoggerConf logger.Conf `yaml:"logger_conf" toml:"logger_conf" json:"logger_conf"` //日志配置
DBConf db.Conf `yaml:"db_conf" toml:"db_conf" json:"db_conf"` //数据库配置
RedisConf redis.Conf `yaml:"redis_conf" toml:"redis_conf" json:"redis_conf"` //redis配置(standalone)
RedisClusterConf redis.ClusterConf `yaml:"redis_cluster_conf" toml:"redis_cluster_conf" json:"redis_cluster_conf"` //redis配置(cluster)
NatsConf nats.Conf `yaml:"nats_conf" toml:"nats_conf" json:"nats_conf"` //nats配置
JwtConf *jwt.Conf `yaml:"jwt_conf" toml:"jwt_conf" json:"jwt_conf"` //jwt配置
EmailConf email.Conf `yaml:"email_conf" toml:"email_conf" json:"email_conf"` //邮件配置
KafkaConf KafkaExtraConf `yaml:"kafka_conf" toml:"kafka_conf" json:"kafka_conf"` //kafka配置
EtcdConf etcd.Conf `yaml:"etcd_conf" toml:"etcd_conf" json:"etcd_conf"` //etcd配置

type KafkaExtraConf struct {
Conf kafka.Conf `yaml:"conf" toml:"conf" json:"conf"` //配置
Topic string `yaml:"topic" toml:"topic" json:"topic"` //主题
GroupID string `yaml:"groupID" toml:"groupID" json:"groupID"` //分组id

Http server
type HttpServerConf struct {
Debug bool `yaml:"debug" toml:"debug" json:"debug" default:"false"` //是否是debug模式
Addr string `yaml:"addr" toml:"addr" json:"addr" default:":8080"` //监听地址
Swagger SwaggerConf `yaml:"swagger_conf" toml:"swagger_conf" json:"swagger_conf"` //swagger文档配置
Prometheus PrometheusConf `yaml:"prometheus_conf" toml:"prometheus_conf" json:"prometheus_conf"` //prometheus配置
WebSocketRoutePath string `yaml:"websocket_route_path" toml:"websocket_route_path" json:"websocket_route_path"` //websocket路由

type SwaggerConf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
RedocUIPath string `yaml:"redoc_ui_path" toml:"redoc_ui_path" json:"redoc_ui_path"` //ui页面文件路径,如/path/to/docs.html,注意文件名必须是docs.html
JsonPath string `yaml:"json_path" toml:"json_path" json:"json_path"` //json文件路径
FaviconPath string `yaml:"favicon_path" toml:"favicon_path" json:"favicon_path"` //浏览器页签图标文件路径

type PrometheusConf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
Addr string `yaml:"addr" toml:"addr" json:"addr" default:":19100"` //监听地址
AccessPath string `yaml:"access_path" toml:"access_path" json:"access_path" default:"/metrics"` //路由地址

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

type Conf struct {
ConsoleOutput bool `yaml:"console_output" toml:"console_output" json:"console_output" default:"false"` //是否同时输出到终端
Env string `yaml:"env" toml:"env" json:"env" default:"prod"` //日志环境,prod:生产环境,dev:开发环境
Level string `yaml:"level" toml:"level" json:"level" default:"info"` //日志级别,debug,info,warn,error
Modules []string `yaml:"modules" toml:"modules" json:"modules"` //模块名称(日志记录到不同的文件中)
Filename string `yaml:"filename" toml:"filename" json:"filename" default:"logs/running.log"` //日志文件名称
MaxSize int `yaml:"max_size" toml:"max_size" json:"max_size" default:"100"` //日志大小限制,单位MB
MaxBackups int `yaml:"max_backups" toml:"max_backups" json:"max_backups" default:"10"` //最大历史文件保留数量
Compress bool `yaml:"compress" toml:"compress" json:"compress" default:"true"` //是否压缩历史日志文件
Exporter Exporter `yaml:"exporter" toml:"exporter" json:"exporter"` //导出器

type Exporter struct {
Provider string `yaml:"provider" toml:"provider" json:"provider" default:""` //导出器,目前支持redis、redis-cluster、nats和kafka,为空表示不启用
Redis ProviderRedis `yaml:"redis" toml:"redis" json:"redis"`
Nats ProviderNats `yaml:"nats" toml:"nats" json:"nats"`
Kafka ProviderKafka `yaml:"kafka" toml:"kafka" json:"kafka"`

type ProviderRedis struct {
ListKey string `yaml:"list_key" toml:"list_key" json:"list_key"` //redis列表名称
ConnConf redis.Conf `yaml:"conn_conf" toml:"conn_conf" json:"conn_conf"` //redis连接配置(单机)
ClusterConnConf redis.ClusterConf `yaml:"cluster_conn_conf" toml:"cluster_conn_conf" json:"cluster_conn_conf"` //redis连接配置(集群)

type ProviderNats struct {
Subject string `yaml:"subject" toml:"subject" json:"subject"` //nats的发布主题
ConnConf nats.Conf `yaml:"conn_conf" toml:"conn_conf" json:"conn_conf"` //nats连接配置

type ProviderKafka struct {
Topic string `yaml:"topic" toml:"topic" json:"topic"` //kafka的发布主题
ConnConf kafka.Conf `yaml:"conn_conf" toml:"conn_conf" json:"conn_conf"` //kafka连接配置

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

type Conf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
DriverName string `yaml:"driver_name" toml:"driver_name" json:"driver_name" default:"mysql"` //数据库类型
AutoMigrate bool `yaml:"auto_migrate" toml:"auto_migrate" json:"auto_migrate" default:"false"` //是否自动同步表结构
LogLevel string `yaml:"log_level" toml:"log_level" json:"log_level" default:"info"` //日志级别
ConnectionPool ConnectionPoolConf `yaml:"connection_pool" toml:"connection_pool" json:"connection_pool"` //连接池配置
Mysql MysqlConf `yaml:"mysql" toml:"mysql" json:"mysql"` //mysql配置
Postgres PostgresConf `yaml:"postgres" toml:"postgres" json:"postgres"` //postgres配置
Sqlserver SqlserverConf `yaml:"sqlserver" toml:"sqlserver" json:"sqlserver"` //sqlserver配置
Sqlite SqliteConf `yaml:"sqlite" toml:"sqlite" json:"sqlite"` //sqlite配置
Clickhouse ClickhouseConf `yaml:"clickhouse" toml:"clickhouse" json:"clickhouse"` //clickhouse配置

// ConnectionPoolConf 连接池配置
type ConnectionPoolConf struct {
MaxOpenConnCount int `yaml:"max_open_conn_count" toml:"max_open_conn_count" json:"max_open_conn_count" default:"100"` //最大开启连接数
MaxIdleConnCount int `yaml:"max_idle_conn_count" toml:"max_idle_conn_count" json:"max_idle_conn_count" default:"10"` //最大闲置数量
ConnMaxLifeTimeMinutes int `yaml:"conn_max_life_time_minutes" toml:"conn_max_life_time_minutes" json:"conn_max_life_time_minutes" default:"30"` //连接最大存活时间(分钟)
ConnMaxIdleTimeMinutes int `yaml:"conn_max_idle_time_minutes" toml:"conn_max_idle_time_minutes" json:"conn_max_idle_time_minutes" default:"10"` //连接最大空闲时间(分钟)

type MysqlConf struct {
Read MysqlConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write MysqlConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// MysqlConfItem mysql配置
type MysqlConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"3306"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名
Charset string `yaml:"charset" toml:"charset" json:"charset"` //字符集
ParseTime bool `yaml:"parseTime" toml:"parseTime" json:"parseTime" default:"true"` //是否解析时间
Loc string `yaml:"loc" toml:"loc" json:"loc" default:"Local"` //位置

type PostgresConf struct {
Read PostgresConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write PostgresConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// PostgresConfItem postgres配置
type PostgresConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"9920"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名
SSLMode string `yaml:"ssl_mode" toml:"ssl_mode" json:"ssl_mode"` //ssl模式 enable|disable
TimeZone string `yaml:"timezone" toml:"timezone" json:"timezone" default:"Asia/Shanghai"` //时区

type SqlserverConf struct {
Read SqlserverConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write SqlserverConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// SqlserverConfItem sqlserver配置
type SqlserverConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"9930"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名

type SqliteConf struct {
Read SqliteConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write SqliteConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// SqliteConfItem sqlite配置
type SqliteConfItem struct {
File string `yaml:"file" toml:"file" json:"file" default:"sqlite.db"` //数据库文件

type ClickhouseConf struct {
Read ClickhouseConfItem `yaml:"read" toml:"read" json:"read" default:"localhost"` //读实例
Write ClickhouseConfItem `yaml:"write" toml:"write" json:"write" default:"localhost"` //写实例

// ClickhouseConfItem clickhouse配置
type ClickhouseConfItem struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"9000"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Database string `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名
ReadTimeout int `yaml:"read_timeout" toml:"read_timeout" json:"read_timeout" default:"20"` //读取超时时间
WriteTimeout int `yaml:"write_timeout" toml:"write_timeout" json:"write_timeout" default:"20"` //写入超时时间

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

Redis standalone
type Conf struct {
Endpoint `yaml:"endpoint" toml:"endpoint" json:"endpoint"`
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
Database int `yaml:"database" toml:"database" json:"database"` //数据库名
SSLEnable bool `yaml:"ssl_enable" toml:"ssl_enable" json:"ssl_enable"` //是否启用ssl

type Endpoint struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"6379"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

Redis cluster
type ClusterConf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
SSLEnable bool `yaml:"ssl_enable" toml:"ssl_enable" json:"ssl_enable"` //是否启用ssl
Endpoints []Endpoint `yaml:"endpoints" toml:"endpoints" json:"endpoints"` //连接地址列表

type Endpoint struct {
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host" default:"localhost"` //主机地址
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port" default:"6379"` //端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

type Conf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
Endpoints []string `yaml:"endpoints" toml:"endpoints" json:"endpoints"` //服务实例列表
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //用户名
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

type Conf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable"` //是否启用
PublicKey string `yaml:"public_key" toml:"public_key" json:"public_key"` //公钥字符串或公钥文件地址
PrivateKey string `yaml:"private_key" toml:"private_key" json:"private_key"` //私钥字符串或私钥文件地址
Algorithm string `yaml:"algorithm" toml:"algorithm" json:"algorithm"` //加密算法: RS256 | RS512 | HS512
HmacSecret string `yaml:"hmac_secret" toml:"hmac_secret" json:"hmac_secret"` //密钥
TokenIssuer string `yaml:"token_issuer" toml:"token_issuer" json:"token_issuer"` //令牌颁发者
privateKey *rsa.PrivateKey
publicKey *rsa.PublicKey

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

type Conf struct {
Workers int `yaml:"workers" toml:"workers" json:"workers"` //协程数量
WorkerThrottleSeconds int `yaml:"worker_throttle_seconds" toml:"worker_throttle_seconds" json:"worker_throttle_seconds"` //每个协程内发送间隔,单位秒
Host string `yaml:"host" toml:"host" json:"host"` //邮件服务器域名
Port int `yaml:"port" toml:"port" json:"port"` //邮件服务器端口
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //邮件服务登录账号
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //邮件服务登录密码
From string `yaml:"from" toml:"from" json:"from"` //发送人邮箱
Subject string `yaml:"subject" toml:"subject" json:"subject"` //邮件主题
Params struct {
Variables []string `yaml:"variables" toml:"variables" json:"variables"` //替换变量
} `yaml:"params" toml:"params" json:"params"` //其他参数

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

type Conf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
Endpoints []string `yaml:"endpoints" toml:"endpoints" json:"endpoints"` //地址列表,如: localhost:9092
SASLAuthType string `yaml:"SASLAuthType" toml:"SASLAuthType" json:"SASLAuthType"` //认证加密方式:plain、sha256、sha512
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //账号
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Timeout int `yaml:"timeout" toml:"timeout" json:"timeout"` //连接超时时间(毫秒)默认10000ms
Tls *tls.Config `yaml:"-" toml:"-" json:"-"` //tls配置//tls配置

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.

type Conf struct {
Enable bool `yaml:"enable" toml:"enable" json:"enable" default:"false"` //是否启用
Endpoints []string `yaml:"endpoints" toml:"endpoints" json:"endpoints"` //地址列表,如: localhost:2379
Username string `yaml:"username" toml:"username" json:"username"` //账号
Password string `yaml:"password" toml:"password" json:"password"` //密码
Timeout int `yaml:"timeout" toml:"timeout" json:"timeout"` //连接超时时间(毫秒)默认10000ms
Tls *tls.Config `yaml:"-" toml:"-" json:"-"` //tls配置

It should be noted that this part of the configuration does not support hot update.


In the config package, Go-Sail provides developers with a simple parsing method, which developers can use selectively.

Default template

import (

func main() {
//format: json
config.PrintTemplateConfig("json", "path/to/config.json")
//format: yaml
config.PrintTemplateConfig("yaml", "path/to/config.yaml")
//format: toml
config.PrintTemplateConfig("toml", "path/to/config.toml")

From raw string

import (

func main() {
conf, err := config.ParseConfigFromBytes("json", sourceBytes)
conf, err := config.ParseConfigFromBytes("yaml", sourceBytes)
conf, err := config.ParseConfigFromBytes("toml", sourceBytes)

When you do not have the contents of the configuration file, you can use the print configuration information template method provided by the config package to a specified file or terminal, so that you can copy the contents and perform quick configuration.

From Nacos

If you use Nacos, you can use the convenient method provided by Go-Sail to read and listen to configuration information from the Nacos service.

import (

func main() {
nacos.InitClient("appName", "nacos endpoints", "nacos namespace id")

var conf = &config.Config{}

//get config and parse config to go struct
err = nacos.GetConfig("group", "dataID", conf, "yaml")

callback := func(namespace, group, dataId, data string) {
err := nacos.ParseConfig([]byte(data), conf, "yaml")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("<Nacos> listen config {%s:%s} change,but can't be unmarshal: %s\n", group, dataId, err.Error())

//listening config if it changed
err = nacos.ListenConfigWithCallback(group, dataID, callback)
if err != nil {

Nested combinations

The configuration file of Go-Sail will only contain the necessary configuration items of the framework itself. Therefore, in actual projects, it is often accompanied by other business-related configuration items. Therefore, we need to combine or nest the configuration items to meet the actual needs.
For example:

Named combination

import (
sailConfig ""

type GlobalConfigNamed struct {
AppName string `yaml:"appName" json:"appName" toml:"appName"`
Debug bool `yaml:"debug" json:"debug" toml:"debug"`
SailConf sailConfig.Config `yaml:"sailConf" json:"sailConf" toml:"sailConf"` //tag is necessary

Anonymous combination


It should be noted that the anonymous combination method cannot directly use the parsing library to parse and configure the structure into the structure.

import (
sailConfig ""

type GlobalConfigAnonymous struct {
AppName string `yaml:"appName" json:"appName" toml:"appName"`
Debug bool `yaml:"debug" json:"debug" toml:"debug"`

For example, such parsing will not work:

import (

func main() {
var conf GlobalConfigAnonymous
err := json.Unmarshal(sourceBytes, &conf)

//this code will output empty