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Http toolkit

Explain what Http toolkit is.


The Http toolkit provides unified response, routing middleware, and generic request and response entities.

Routing middleware

Routing middleware provides some common functions:

  • Detect user agent language
  • Log trace
  • Print request payload
  • Prometheus exporter
  • Cors (Cross-origin resource sharing)

We will introduce its purpose and usage in detail in the subsequent chapters.

Standard request and response entities

  • dto
    • base
    • pagination
    • error
  • vo
    • pagination

We will introduce its purpose and usage in detail in the subsequent chapters.

Unified response

First, unified response makes the response data structure highly unified and complete. Secondly, some data values in the response entity are maintained by Go-Sail and do not require developers to care too much, which helps developers focus on other places.
The general structure and format are as follows:

"code": 200,
"data": null,
"message": "SUCCESS",
"requestId": "5686efa5-c747-4f63-8657-e6052f8181a9",
"success": true,
"ts": 1670899688591