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Explain what Constants is.


In Go-Sail, some system constants are defined and stored under the contents package for use in some specific scenarios.

  • code
    It is used to define business response codes or error codes.

    The RegisterCode() function will provide powerful help in injecting custom error codes and error messages.
    We will introduce its purpose and usage in detail in the subsequent chapters.

  • error
    It is used to define error codes and error messages. It also supports i18n.
  • i18n
    It is used to define language encoding and adopts the ISO-3166-1 standard.
  • keys
    Currently used to define the prefix and suffix identifiers of public and private keys.
  • sail
    Contains the framework’s logo characters and version number.
  • status
    Boolean value used for success and failure in response.
  • time
    Currently, time zone characters and date printing templates for various time zones around the world are defined.